The Next Endeavor (2025)

The 2024 wrap

It’s only September but Red Healer has already played our last show of the year! Due to an upcoming ear surgery in late October, I will be out of commission for live music til 2025.

Our music family still has one big show coming up — the finale of Elliott Collective at Natalie’s Grandview on October 18th! This project is headed by our violinist Kristen Elliott and features her own original material as well as covers ranging from classical and swing jazz to classic rock and some choice Red Healer favorites so be sure to mark your calendars, grab a ticket (seated event) and join us as we tie this bittersweet bow on another chapter of our musical journey.


Anyone who knows me knows I don’t shut up. I love to talk, to ask questions, to share, and most importantly, truly understand other’s perspectives while providing my own.

As I grow older, my dreams don’t change, rather they become clearer. I’ve never sought fame, wealth, topping charts, things of that sort, because the best currency in the world is love, and it is infinite.

So, what do?

I aim to use my experiences to plant seeds of wisdom and inspiration, then revel in the beautiful growth of the resulting lifelong character arcs.

This has always been the core mission of Red Healer and my songwriting, but I want to continue it in a medium other than music.

fulfilling the taskS

  1. The Blog

    Starting here, I want to start consistently posting to this blog. I journal multiple times a day, but posting publicly challenges me to review my thoughts, share them and receive feedback. Blog entries would be general thoughts on a concept, a poll/inquiry, or to provide updates and keep me focused on these next two projects.

  2. The Knowledge Base

    I want to have an organized knowledge base of all the things I’ve learned from my time performing in Columbus. There are plenty of articles on the internet that can teach you fundamentals of creating and running a band or marketing campaign and my take wouldn’t be any better or special. So my approach will be less of “do this” and more of “what do you think about trying this?”

    It starts with the artist’s vision and works around the core idea that these are guidelines to supplement your journey. It may outline a sample marketing campaign, but also ask if that’s important to you and why. The goal is not how to fit into the music industry with corporate businesses practices. If you get a real job, the money’s more reliable.

    I will share the outline of all the KB articles I’d like to write in a later blog post. They may even start as blog posts seeking feedback while I decide how I want to present the information.

  3. The App

    In short, I want to develop a web and mobile app — project management made for and by artists.

    Asana and Trello, for example, are great project management apps for organized individuals and structured teams. They often center around deadlines and tangible deliverables. This is great for a company trying to maximize efficiency and profit — but not always helpful for creating art.

    I’ll elaborate more on this in the next blog post but my initial plans are geared towards solving the dependency on Google products — mainly Drive and Calendar. It’s amazing what we can get for free but that doesn’t mean it’s the best. When this is integrated in a single database/app, it’s much easier for band leaders and members to stay focused, stay in the loop, and get things done.

in conclusion…

I am excited for anyone to follow along with these projects and provide feedback and/or general questions! I’m certainly aware I don’t know everything and make mistakes (hopefully I don’t offer bad advice) so it would be excellent to collaborate. Feel free to write me at or find me on social media.

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